Blood Spillage
1. Introduction
Seido Sunnybank Karate is committed to ensuring the safety and health of all our students. This policy outlines the procedures for managing blood spillage incidents within our dojo to prevent the spread of infectious diseases.
2. Purpose
The purpose of this policy is to provide clear guidelines for the proper handling and cleaning of blood spills to protect students and maintain a safe training environment.
3. Scope
This policy applies to all students and instructors of Seido Sunnybank Karate.
4. Immediate Actions
Stop the Activity: Immediately stop the activity and isolate the area where the blood spill has occurred.
Attend to the Injured: Ensure that the injured person receives appropriate first aid and medical attention. Use disposable gloves and other protective equipment when providing first aid.
5. Cleaning and Disinfection
Protective Gear: Wear disposable gloves and other protective gear, such as masks and aprons, when cleaning up blood spills.
Contain the Spill: Use paper towels or absorbent material to contain and soak up the blood. Appropriately dispose of these materials.
Disinfect the Area: Clean the affected area with a disinfectant solution (e.g., disinfectant wipes) to kill any pathogens. Follow the manufacturer’s instructions for proper use.
Dispose of Contaminated Items: Appropriately dispose of contaminated items.
6. Personal Hygiene
Hand Washing: After removing gloves and cleaning the spill, wash hands thoroughly with soap and water for at least 20 seconds.
Avoid Contact: Avoid touching the face, eyes, nose, or mouth during the cleaning process to prevent potential infection.
7. Reporting
Incident Report: Document the incident, including the date, time, location, individuals involved, and actions taken. Submit the report to the head instructor(s).
8. Training and Awareness
Training: Provide regular training to all students and instructors on the proper procedures for handling blood spills and the importance of maintaining a clean and safe environment.
Information: Make information about bloodborne pathogens and safe cleaning practices available to all dojo members.
9. Review and Updates
This policy will be reviewed annually or as required to ensure it remains current and effective. Any updates will be communicated to all students and instructors.
10. Conclusion
Seido Sunnybank Karate is dedicated to maintaining a safe and healthy environment for all students. By following this policy, we aim to minimise the risk of infection and ensure that our dojo remains a safe place to train.
For any questions or further information regarding this policy, please contact the head instructor(s) of Seido Sunnybank Karate.